Shama Ko Photograpy updates!

Happy New Years everyone! I wanted to wish you all the best in 2011. I am also proud to announce that Shama Ko Photography's website has undergone some major updates. Please check it out and let me know what you think. Also if you or anyone you know needs a photographer keep me in mind! Best wishes to you all and thank you for your continued support!

Shama Ko Photography


  1. Shama-

    You have a good eye, your composition is wonderful. I think I have asked you this before, but are you using digital?

    Also, your website is designed well. Simple to navigate, and you feature a wide range of moods and subjects.

    Are you doing the Pan Ams?


  2. Aw, thanks! I really appreciate your input. I am really happy with it too! As for the Pan Ams, I will be there for sure. Will you?

  3. Oh yes! Training is going well, with the exception of my class tonight, although one could argue that even the occasional crappy class has some positive benefits...riiiiight.

    I will look forward to seeing you!


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