2010 WJJC Prints & Downloads for sale

Check out some of my shots at:

Shama Ko Photography

Order prints or download to your computer today!


  1. Shama-

    Beautiful! You have an aye for composition. Are you trying to do be the "Alicia Photos" for Texas?

    Also, are you using a digital SLR?


  2. Thanks! Actually I've been photographing Jiu Jitsu as long as I've been training. WJJC asked me to shoot some shots specifically for them this time around. Used to shoot all BJJ on film back in the day, but not it's digital all the way.

  3. Ohh, I am dreading making the switch to digital, but in the long run, I think it may be the more economical way to pursue my love of photography, which has been on the back burner for waaay to long.


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